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The „RILIAM” project aims to support the SMEs from the region who deal with industrial automation and industrial robotics. In the project, two innovation competence laboratories will be created, one for the food industrial robotics and automation at the Faculty of Engineering in Szeged, and one for the assembly automation and robotics at Subotica Tech in Subotica. The laboratories will be the help point for the SMEs for innovation solutions. The project results in: The young people become more interested to gain knowledge and to practice, improve their professional skills in modern innovative laboratories. That indicates the raised interest toward technical sciences. The developed online tutorial data base serves as the information collector, and connection between the project partners, beneficiaries and interested citizens.
The project RILIAM establishes a functional network between the multi companies in the CB region and newly established SMEs, young researchers, students.
The projects creates an interactive channel for information flow among the participants. Young engineers will be able to solve complex technical solutions.
Project Title: Regional Innovation Laboratory for Industrial Automation and Mechatronics
Acronym: RILIAM
Project ID: HUSRB/1602/41/0012
Total Project budget: 250,198.00 EUR
EU contribution (IPA): 212,668.30 EUR
Start Date: 1 July 2018
End Date: 29 February 2020
Lead Beneficiary: Visoka tehnička škola strukovnih studija (Subotica Tech – College of Applied Sciences)
Beneficiary 1: Szegedi Tudományegyetem (University of Szeged)
Beneficiary 2: Csongrád Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara Chamber of Commerce and Industry Csongrád County)
Beneficiary 3: „Poslovni inkubator Subotica – SZABADKAI ÜZLETI INKUBÁTOR – Business Incubator Subotica” dooSubotica (BUSINESS INCUBATOR SUBOTICA)